利用川西米亚罗林区森林资源清查数据,以森林蓄积量和森林生物量之间的关系模型为基础,对川西林业局301林场的森林生物量进行了估算,并对研究地区不同林龄及森林类型的森林生物量进行了分析。研究结果表明:1)研究区域林分总生物量为3 041 229t,林分单位面积平均生物量为87.13 t/hm2,低于全国生物量及四川省生物量的平均值,主要由于占绝对优势的云、冷杉林所处立地条件差,生物量较低造成;2)林分年龄结构不合理,成、过熟林面积较大(占69%);3)水土保持林的生物量在所有森林类型中所占比例最高(占80%)。
Based on the forest inventory data of Miyaluo forest area in western Sichuan, the forest biomass of 301 forest farm in Chuanxi Forestry Bureau was estimated on the basis of the model of the relationship between forest volume and forest biomass. Forest types of forest biomass were analyzed. The results showed as follows: 1) The total biomass of stands was 3 041 229t and the average biomass per unit area was 87.13 t / hm2, which was lower than the national average and the average biomass of Sichuan Province, Of the forest and the low biomass; 2) the age structure of the forest is irrational, the over-mature forest area is larger (69%); 3) the biomass of soil and water conservation forest is higher The highest percentage of forest types (80%).