Efficacy and safety of Yunxiangjing derived from Chinese herbal medicine administered as an enema in

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunnymurder
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OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of Yunxiangjing(YXJ), derived from Chinese herbal medicine, in the management of acute radiation-induced proctitis(ARIP) in patients with pelvic malignancy.METHODS: Forty-eight patients with grade 2 ARIP were administered YXJ as an enema(1∶30 dilution)for 2 weeks and followed up for 2 years. All were assessed for response and ARIP grade. Quality of life(QOL) was assessed with the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30.RESULTS: Of the 48 patients, six(12.5%) achieved complete remission of ARIP and 28(58.3%) showed a decrease from grade 2 to grade 1 ARIP. No patient experienced a grade ≥3 toxicity. At the end of radiotherapy, patients showed significant improvements in QOL(P < 0.05). Two years after treatment, 46 patients showed no late toxicity, with only two experiencing grade 1 late toxicity.CONCLUSION: YXJ can be used as an enema to manage acute radiation-induced proctitis in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. These findings suggest that YXJ enema may be an alternative treatment of ARIP. OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of Yunxiangjing (YXJ), derived from Chinese herbal medicine, in the management of acute radiation-induced proctitis (ARIP) in patients with pelvic malignancy. METHODS: Forty-eight patients with grade 2 ARIP were administered YXJ as an enema (1:30 dilution) for 2 weeks and followed up for 2 years. All of assessed for response and ARIP grade. Quality of life (QOL) was assessed with the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Atnaire-Core 30.RESULTS: Of the 48 patients, six (12.5%) achieved complete remission of ARIP and 28 (58.3%) showed a decrease from grade 2 to grade 1 ARIP. No patient experienced a grade ≥3 toxicity. At the End of radiotherapy, patients showed significant improvements in QOL (P <0.05). Two years after treatment, 46 patients showed no late toxicity, with only two experiencing grades 1 late toxicity. CONCLUSION: YXJ can be used as an enema to manage acute radiation -induced proctitis in ca ncer patients undergoing radiotherapy. These findings suggest that YXJ enema may be an alternative treatment of ARIP.
西藏是山的故乡。西藏的登山健儿们象那搏击长空的雄鹰,征战在雪峰峻岭之间,他(她)们是雪山雄鹰。 自九三年春以来,雪域登山健儿们实施了一项宏伟的登山计划:十年内征服14座
看’95甲 A 联赛排行榜,位于“状元”、“榜眼”之位的上海申花与北京国安,均是在联赛中重视新人,大胆启用新人的球队;反观遭降组之厄运的辽宁与青岛海牛,则同为过分倚重“
江苏省泰州市的西郊在1977年曾发现一座明代墓葬,墓主人陈文德是当地人氏。墓葬形制现在已经无从考证,只有墓中出土的几件文物入藏市博物馆,有两只陶质平口罐、一个白布袋、一张符箓和一方木质印章,其中最珍贵的是一方篆文木印,印呈长方形,木质细腻,颜色较浅,背面有清晰的木纹,其长5厘米、宽4厘米、厚2厘米,正面印文为九叠篆文“灵宝中盟之印”。从这方木印形式和印文来看应该属于道教法印。  所谓法印,就是道家