创建于1954年的云南昆明磷肥厂,地处云南滇中磷矿山麓,位于风光旖旎的滇池湖畔,坐落在明朝“三保太监”郑和故里之傍,离昆明市区65公里,铁路、公路、水路与厂相连,交通四通八达。 工厂是国内生产磷肥和磷化工两大系列20多种产品的重点骨干企业。以“昆磷”商标注册的主要产品有磷矿粉、硫酸、钙镁磷肥、粒状重过磷酸钙、过磷酸钙、黄磷、工业磷酸、
Founded in 1954 in Kunming, Yunnan phosphate fertilizer plant, located in Yunnan Yunnan phosphate rock foothills, located in the beautiful scenery of Lake Dianchi Lake, located in the Ming Dynasty “San Bao eunuch” Zheng He’s hometown, 65 km away from Kunming, railways, highways , Waterway connected with the factory, traffic connections. Factory is the domestic production of phosphate fertilizer and phosphorus chemical two series of more than 20 kinds of products of key enterprises. The main products registered under the trademark “Kun Phosphorus” include phosphate rock powder, sulfuric acid, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, granular superphosphate, superphosphate, yellow phosphorus, industrial phosphoric acid,