最近几年人们对博物馆的兴趣在不断增长。世界各地这些年里产生了一些新的博物馆,而一些老博物馆也在探索如何适应社会的需要。作为一个博物馆和外界的关系是什么?怎样与社会相连系的?虽然我说的仅是我个人在伦敦一个博物馆的经历,但它又是带普遍意义的问题,是与世界上任何博物馆都有关系的一些共同点。 一、传统陈列落后于时代要求 当年伦敦自然历史博物馆第一次举办大量的公共展览,每一个研究部门负责一个或几个展览,保管人员把他们保管的最好的藏品陈列出来。在这种情况下,所设计的展览是比较乏味的。如果能考虑到它的系统,进行全盘设计会更好一些。按逻辑顺序所设计的展览反映了研究人员所进行的工作系统,它有严密的逻辑性,经过精心安排。当然这是好事,对人们看懂这个体系有很大
Interest in museums has been growing in recent years. Some new museums have been created all over the world during these years, and some old museums are also exploring how to adapt to the needs of society. What is the relationship between a museum and the outside world and how it relates to society? Although I am talking about my own personal experience at a museum in London, it is another issue of general interest that I have with any museum in the world Something in common. First, the traditional display lags behind the requirements of the year when the London Museum of Natural History held a large number of public exhibitions, each research department responsible for one or several exhibitions, custodial staff to display the best collections they keep. In this case, the exhibition designed is rather boring. If you can consider its system, the overall design will be better. The exhibitions designed in a logical order reflect the working systems that researchers carry out, which are closely logically organized. Of course, this is a good thing, and it is great for people to understand this system