科研是促进医学发展和人类健康的基础。业界称为《SPRINT研究》的重要科研成果是由SPRINT研究组在102个临床研究中心历经平均3.26年的药物干预和随访监测后分析得出的。该研究成果的问世在高血压领域甚至心血管研究领域引起了不断的争议。争议的焦点主要集中在对于高血压患者是否应该通过强化降压将降压目标控制在120 mmHg以下以及该研究成果对于未来高血压防治指南制定的参考意义。所有的争议都源于不同人对SPRINT研究的理解不同。我们从研究人群、研究结果和实际问题三方面对其内容进行了客观、深入的解读。“,”To gain insight into the SPRINT research in order to facilitate clinical practice. Scientific research is the foundation of medical advances and human health. An experiment known as SPRINT researchis an important research project. Achievements in this area have caused a controversy in the field of hypertension and even cardiovascular diseases. The dispute centerson whether blood pressure should be controlled under 120 mmHg using intensive blood lowering therapies in patients with hypertension, as people interpret the SPRINT research differently. Reading about the original research in earnest and objective interpretation of the original research can lead to a correct understanding. An objective and in-depth interpretation of the SPRINT research was given in this paper in terms of the populations of study, results of study and real problems.