儿童的成长同时受主观因素和客观因素的制约。有些方面的情况,经过环境的影响、后天的教育以及个人的努力,是可以得到改变的。但有些方面则虽经努力也难改变。例如由于遗传因素造成了人们个子的高矮、皮肤的黑白、四肢的长短、五官的形状、大小以及由此而构成的人的外貌特点,以至是否存在某些生理缺陷等。通常情况下,根据外貌,有的人可能被誉为“美”,而另外一些人则被贬为“丑”。 当今社会,人们对美的追求越来越高,有些教育者易于偏爱容貌漂亮
Children's growth is controlled by both subjective and objective factors. In some ways, the environment, the acquired education and the individual's efforts can be changed. However, some aspects are hard to change even after hard work. For example, due to genetic factors caused by the height of the person's body, the skin black and white, the length of the limbs, facial features and size, and the appearance of the appearance of people, as well as the existence of certain physiological defects. Under normal circumstances, according to appearance, some people may be hailed as “beauty”, while others were dismissed as “ugly.” In today's society, people are pursuing beauty more and more, and some educators tend to prefer beautiful appearance