When you take the exam, people are always worried and afraid of taking a test. According to my experience in studying industrial economics majoring in Economics, as long as I correctly handle the relationship between study, review and examination, I am sure I will get a good result. I think learning is the most important part. It is mainly to solve the problem of “face”. Only by understanding each chapter of the course and forming the overall concept of the course can we have a good grasp of the exam. Review is the intermediate link, mainly to solve the problem of “point”, the so-called “point” refers to the basic concepts, basic principles, basic methods, to seize it, we can deepen the understanding of the curriculum. The examination is the final stage. Generally speaking, it is a combination of “face” and “point”, but there are times when you usually learn well, review good, and test scores are not ideal. This is because exams also have their regularity, and failing if they are not well mastered. Here to talk about my experience in this regard. Learning Most of our comrades mainly rely on themselves to learn effectively, and the following problems must be solved: (1) The study plan should be formulated. There are three basis for the formulation of a study plan: first, how long is the examination time; second, how many examination subjects are there and how easy are they to be; and third, how much time they can use. The development of a learning plan is mainly to arrange the time that can be used by itself and make a reasonable division among the various courses