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提起考试,人们总有点担心着急,怕考不好。根据我在电大经济类工业会计专业班学习的经验,只要正确处理学习、复习、考试三者之间的关系,定会考出好成绩来。我认为学习是首要环节,它主要是解决“面”的问题,只有把课程的每个章节都搞懂,对这一课程形成整体概念,考试时才能胸有成竹。复习是中间环节,主要是解决“点”的问题,所谓“点”是指基本概念,基本原理,基本方法,抓住了它,就能加深对课程的理解。考试是最后阶段,一般来说,它是“面”与“点”的综合体现,但有时也会出现平时学得好,复习也不错,而考试成绩却不理想的现象。这是因为考试也有它的规律性,如果掌握不好,也是会失败的。下面谈谈我在这方面的体会。学习我们大多数同志主要靠自学,要学习效果好,必须解决以下问题:(1)要制订学习计划。制订学习计划的依据有三条:一是距离考试时间有多久;二是考试科目有多少,难易程度如何;三是自己能利用的时间多少。制订学习计划主要是安排自已能利用的时间,并在各门课程之间进行合理分 When you take the exam, people are always worried and afraid of taking a test. According to my experience in studying industrial economics majoring in Economics, as long as I correctly handle the relationship between study, review and examination, I am sure I will get a good result. I think learning is the most important part. It is mainly to solve the problem of “face”. Only by understanding each chapter of the course and forming the overall concept of the course can we have a good grasp of the exam. Review is the intermediate link, mainly to solve the problem of “point”, the so-called “point” refers to the basic concepts, basic principles, basic methods, to seize it, we can deepen the understanding of the curriculum. The examination is the final stage. Generally speaking, it is a combination of “face” and “point”, but there are times when you usually learn well, review good, and test scores are not ideal. This is because exams also have their regularity, and failing if they are not well mastered. Here to talk about my experience in this regard. Learning Most of our comrades mainly rely on themselves to learn effectively, and the following problems must be solved: (1) The study plan should be formulated. There are three basis for the formulation of a study plan: first, how long is the examination time; second, how many examination subjects are there and how easy are they to be; and third, how much time they can use. The development of a learning plan is mainly to arrange the time that can be used by itself and make a reasonable division among the various courses
近日,鞍钢集团公司党委举行了新一批9个党支部工作示范基地授牌仪式,掀开了党支部建设新篇章,既标志着鞍钢基层党组织建设取得了新成就,也意味着开启了新一轮党组织对标交流、晋位升级工作。  当前,推进党支部建设晋位升级,迫切需要我们进一步转变观念,解放思想,以改革创新、求真务实的精神深入抓好党建基础工作,把“五好”标准作为加强党支部基础建设和党支部工作“融入中心做工作、进入管理起作用”的基本要求和努力方
肚倍蚜过夏越冬若蚜人工培育技术平利县肚倍课题组(陕西平利,725500)在每年4~5月.将美灰藓(Eurohypnumleptothallum)以3cm×3cm的小块,每块间隔3cm植于石砾含量为30%左右的石渣土基质上,用山竹或木板制作藓盘,以利通... Belly aph
例1,女,48岁。反复头晕伴乏力2周,于2012年5月7日入我院神经内科门诊就诊,就诊时体检:BP 100/80 mm-Hg,P 78次/min,TCD显示椎基底动脉供血不足。给予灯盏花素注射液50 mg(昆
时间观念在语言中怎样表现是一个相当复杂而又引人入胜的题目。人类语言在这方面既表现出多样性,又具有某些共性。 藏语在表达时间概念和时间信息方面运用多种形式和手段。