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目的 研究乳兔雪旺细胞 (Schwann cell,SC)对成兔视神经挫伤修复的作用。 方法 建立成兔视神经挫伤模型 ,伤后 2 4h分别向伤眼玻璃体腔内注入 SC悬液 (A组 )、生理盐水 (B组 )各 0 .1ml。伤后不同时间点进行视网膜节细胞 (retinal ganglion cell,RGC)、轴突染色记数及闪光视觉诱发电位 (flash visualevoked potentials,FVEP)检测。 结果 伤后 4周 A、B组 RGC平均记数分别为 (19.89± 3.79) /mm和(12 .6 7± 4.12 ) /mm,轴突密度分别为 (945 6 9± 793) /mm2 和 (36 0 85± 2 85 ) /mm2 ,A组明显高于 B组(P<0 .0 1)。伤后 3d A组伤眼与健眼 FVEP幅值比由 48%上升至 88% ,8周时仍为 78% ,各时间点均明显高于 B组 (P<0 .0 1)。 结论 乳兔 SC能够提高成兔视神经挫伤后 RGC存活率 ,减轻轴突变性 ,显著促进视神经功能恢复 ,对视神经挫伤修复具有明显的促进作用。 Objective To study the effect of Schwann cell (SC) on repair of optic nerve contusion in rabbits. Methods Rabbit model of optic nerve contusion was established. The SC suspension (group A) and saline (group B) were injected into the vitreous cavity respectively 24 hours after injury. Retinal ganglion cell (RGC), axon staining count and flash visualevoked potentials (FVEP) were detected at different time points after injury. Results The average numbers of RGCs in groups A and B at 4 weeks after injury were (19.89 ± 3.79) / mm and (12.76 ± 4.12) / mm, respectively. The axonal densities were (945 6 9 ± 793) / mm 2 and 36 0 85 ± 2 85) / mm 2 in group A was significantly higher than that in group B (P <0.01). The amplitude ratio of FVEP in injured eyes and healthy eyes increased from 48% to 88% in 3d group A and 78% in 8 weeks after injury, which were significantly higher than those in group B at each time point (P <0.01). CONCLUSION: Rabbit SC can improve the survival rate of RGCs, reduce axonal degeneration, and significantly promote the recovery of optic nerve function, which can obviously promote the repair of optic nerve contusion.
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目的 :探讨慢性鼻窦炎局部粘膜中免疫活性细胞和分泌免疫成分在防御炎症过程中的作用。方法 :采用免疫组化染色法对两型鼻窦炎粘膜的 9种免疫活性细胞和 4种分泌免疫成分进行