为探讨应激事件对青年学生心理健康的影响,采用症状自评量表(SCL90)和自制青年学生生活事件调查表对郑州市9 所大专院校的1503 人进行调查,并使用SAS系统软件进行各种统计学处理。结果表明心理障碍的检出率为21-22% 。多元逐步回归分析显示:获得或丧失社会支持系统、娱乐和体育等能力不良或良好、学业层次、专业对学生的心理健康有着重要的影响。复相关系数为R= 0-5571,决定系数R2 =0-3104 ,P<0-001。提示心理健康水平与负性事件密切相关,各种因素综合作用对心理健康水平有着不可估量的影响。
To investigate the impact of stress events on the mental health of young students, 1503 people from 9 colleges and universities in Zhengzhou City were investigated using the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL90) and self-made questionnaire about the life events of young students. SAS system Software for a variety of statistical processing. The results showed that the detection rate of psychological disorders was 21-22%. Multivariate stepwise regression analysis showed that the ability to obtain or lose social support system, entertainment and sports was poor or good, and academic level and profession had an important impact on students’ mental health. The complex correlation coefficient is R = 0-5571, the determination coefficient R2 = 0-3104, P <0-001. Suggesting that the level of mental health and negative events are closely related to the combined effect of various factors on the mental health has an immeasurable impact.