目前,在药材生产实践中,因为片面追求经济效益,导致施肥量大且结构不合理,对提高产量、保证质量和培肥土壤产生了极其不利的影响如何因土、因药用植物而合理施肥,以较小的投入取得较大的经济效益,达到增产增收、培肥土壤的目的,是当前急需解决的重要问题。药用植物施肥的正确做法和具体要求是: 一、以农家肥为主,配合施用化肥 农家肥和化肥各有优缺点,在施用家肥的基础上配合施用化肥,可以互相取长补短,缓急相济,逐步改良土壤,提高地力,实现药材的稳产高产,还可以相互促进,增进肥
At present, in the practice of medicinal herbs production, one-sided pursuit of economic benefits leads to large amount of fertilizers and unreasonable structures, which have extremely adverse effects on yield enhancement, quality assurance and soil fertility improvement. How fertilizers are reasonably due to soil and medicinal plants? , With a smaller investment to obtain greater economic benefits, to increase production and increase soil fertility purposes, is an urgent need to solve the important issue. The correct practices and specific requirements for fertilizing medicinal plants are as follows: 1. Mainly with farmyard manure. Cooperating with the application of chemical fertilizers Farming manure and chemical fertilizers each have their own advantages and disadvantages. With the application of fertilizers, fertilizers can complement and complement each other, , And gradually improve the soil, improve soil fertility, to achieve stable and high yield of herbs, but also can promote each other, and increase fertilizer