提高组织工作科学化水平 推进海南国际旅游岛建设

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1月20日,2010年海南省组织部长会议在海口召开。会议传达了全国组织部长会议暨贯彻落实深化干部人事制度改革《规划纲要》座谈会精神,回顾总结我省2009年的组织工作,研究部署2010年的组织工作。会议提出:要以科学发展观为统领,以“三服务、两满意”为目标,以落实省委五届五次、六次全会精神为抓手,突出深化干部人事制度改革、提高选人用人公信度、加强领导班子能力和作风建设、重点管理和从严管理干部、创新基层党建工作等重点,加大改革创新力度,统筹推进各项工作,加强组织部门自身建设,努力提高组织工作科学化水平,为推进国际旅游岛建设开好局、起好步提供坚强的组织保证和人才支撑。 January 20, 2010 Meeting of Organization Ministers of Hainan Province Held in Haikou. The meeting convened the ministerial meeting of the national organization and the spirit of the symposium on implementing the “Outline Plan of Deepening the Reform of the Cadre and Personnel System,” reviewed and summarized the organizational work of the province in 2009 and conducted research on the organization and deployment of 2010. The meeting proposed: It is necessary to take the scientific outlook on development as the guide, “three services and two satisfactions” as the goal, implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session and the Sixth Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, highlight the deepening reform of the cadre and personnel system, We should increase public confidence in people, strengthen leadership team capability and style building, focus on management and strict management of cadres, and innovate grass-roots party building. We will increase efforts in reform and innovation, make co-ordinated efforts to promote all aspects of work, strengthen the self-construction of departments and organizations, and strive to improve organizational work Scientific level, in order to promote the construction of international tourist island a good start, take good steps to provide a strong organizational guarantee and personnel support.
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