2017年7月29日,澳大利亚音乐爱好者迎来欣喜一刻:世界著名乐器企业——柏斯音乐集团旗下澳洲旗舰店(Parsons Music Australia)在Westfield(Scentre Group)购物中心盛大开业。开业仪式在Westfield购物中心隆重举行,揭幕仪式首先由柏斯音乐集团总裁吴雅玲女士致辞。在感谢各界嘉宾到场的同时,吴雅玲女士还介绍了柏斯音乐跟随“一带一路”倡议的海外发展规划,以及此次进驻澳洲为音乐市场提供专业服务的欣喜与信心。接着,Westfield(Scentre Group)购物中心高级经理迈克
On July 29, 2017, Australian music lovers were delighted: Parsons Music Australia, a world-renowned musical instrument company, is opening its doors to the Westfield (Scentre Group) Mall. The opening ceremony was held at the Westfield Shopping Center. The opening ceremony was first attended by Ms. Wu Yaling, President of Perth Music Group. While thanking guests from all walks of life for their presence, Ms. Wu also introduced overseas development plans of Perth Music to follow the Belt and Road initiative as well as the joy and confidence that this stationing in Australia provides professional services to the music market. Then, Mike, senior manager of Westfield (Scentre Group) Mall