为把先进性教育活动引向深入,从2005年3月5日起,江西省上高县 推出“五送五同”春风行动。县直116个行政事业单位一千多名共产党员, 分别下到116个行政村送政策、送法规、送文化、送卫生、送温暖,并做到与 人民群众同吃、同住、同劳动、同学习、同进步。图为财税部门共产党员服务 队入村的情景。 (江西省上高县地税局李尚然报道)
In order to deepen the education campaign for advanced nature, since March 5, 2005, Shanggao County, Jiangxi Province, launched the Spring Breeze Campaign. The county directly under the 116 administrative institutions more than a thousand members of the Communist Party, respectively, down to 116 administrative villages to send policy, send regulations, send culture, send health, warmth, and to do with the people eating, living together, and labor , With students, with the progress. The picture shows the tax department’s communist service team into the village scene. (Shanggao County Local Taxation Bureau Li Shangran still reported)