班主任包班上体育,顾名思义,就是在没有专职教师上体育课的情况下,将体育课的教学任务,以责任制的形式,落实到班主任身上,把它列入班主任工作范畴。在体育师资极端缺乏的农村小学,可以创造条件推广此种方法。我们莱州市(原山东掖县)先在神堂乡从以下四个方面抓了这一工作: 一、统一编写教案过去,我们也曾口头号召、文件规定,要重视体育课教学,任何学校不得以任何借口挤掉体育课。但
The class teacher packs sports on the class. As the name implies, it means that without full-time teachers taking physical education classes, the teaching tasks of physical education classes will be carried out in the form of responsibility systems and will be included in the class teacher’s work. In rural primary schools where physical education teachers are extremely lacking, conditions can be created to promote this approach. We in Laizhou (formerly Shandong Sixian) first took this work in the Shentang Township from the following four aspects: 1. In the past, we wrote the lesson plan in a unified manner. We also verbally called for and documented that we should pay attention to physical education teaching. No school can Any excuse to squeeze out physical education classes. but