在64例有男性素型脱发男性及40名无脱发而年龄相同的男性中,测定其血浆内“结合球蛋白性激素”(sex hormone binding globuline,SHBG)血浆内睾丸酮及唾液内睾丸酮的水平。脱发者的SHBG水平与对照组相比,是显著降低,血浆内睾丸酮水平升高,但唾液内睾丸酮又显著高于对照组者。在男性素型脱发的病理机制中,男性素起着一个重要的作用(Ebling及Rook,1979),但是,并未找到血浆中男性素与男性素型脱发之间的关系(Burton等,1979)。为了澄清这一点,我们在一组男性素型脱发的男性中进行了血浆内睾丸酮、唾液内睾丸酮及血浆内结合球蛋白性激素(SHBG)水平的研究。
Plasma concentrations of testosterone and saliva in testosterone and saliva in plasma were measured in 64 men with male hair loss and 40 men without hair loss at the same age. SHBG levels in hair follicles were significantly lower than those in the control group, and plasma testosterone levels were elevated, but salivary testosterone was significantly higher in the control group. Male plays an important role in the pathogenesis of male prime type alopecia (Ebling and Rook, 1979) but does not find the association between male and female prime type alopecia in plasma (Burton et al., 1979) . To clarify this, we performed a study of plasma endotechin, salivary testosterone, and plasma binding globulin sex hormone (SHBG) levels in a group of men with male type hair loss.