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《单穆公谏周景王铸大钱》一节是《国语》中历来很受学术界重视的文献资料。其中记载单穆公劝诫周景王不要发行大钱的时候有这样一段话:“且绝民用以实王府,犹塞川原而为潢汙也,其竭也无日矣。若民离而财匮,灾至而备亡,王其若之何?吾周官之于灾备也,其所怠弃者多矣,而又夺之资,以益其灾,是去其藏而翳其人也。王其图之!”值得注意的是后一句中“周官”要不要加书名号的问题,而这取决于对其意义的理解。案“周官”大致说来有两义。一是指《周礼》,如《史记·鲁周公世家》:“成王在丰,天下已安,周之官政未次序,于是周公作《周官》,官别其宜;作《立政》,以便百姓。”此处“周官”就是《周礼》,《汉书·艺文志》则径称其为《周官经》或《周官》;二是指《尚书·周官》篇。在现存典籍以及著作中以前者为习见,后者因是伪古文,故不为人所重,在此句 The section titled “Wang Mu big money of the remonstration of monarchs in the remonstration of Zhou Dynasty” is a documentary material that has always been highly regarded by academia in “Mandarin”. Which records the single Mu Gong exhorted Zhou King not to issue large amounts of money when there is such a passage: “And the absolute people to real palace, Uesa Kawahara is also decontamination, the exhaust no longer carry on .If the people away from the financial Kuai, Disaster preparedness and death, what if Wang Qiruo? I Zhouguan in the disaster preparedness also, its lazy who carry more, but the capitals, in order to benefit its disaster, is to go to its possession and its people also. ”It is noteworthy that in the latter sentence “ Zhou Guan ”or not to add the title of the book, and it depends on the understanding of its meaning. Case “weekly official ” Generally speaking, there are two meanings. One refers to the “Zhou Li”, such as “Historical Records Lu Zhou family”: “king in the abundance, the world has been safe, Zhou Zhengguan order, so Zhou Gong for” Zhou Guan “ ”, So that people. “ Here ”Zhou Guan “ is the ”Zhou ceremony“, ”Han Yi Wen Zhi“ is called ”Zhou Guan Jing“ or ”Zhou Guan“; second refers to ”Shang Shu Zhou Guan" Articles In the existing books and writings in the former for the sake of the latter, the latter because of pseudo-classical, it is not important, in this sentence
七、地面塌陷的声音很闷 当我们用地下宝藏这个词来形容地下的矿产资源时,我们实际上已将矿产资源与土地联系在一起了。现代社会的飞速发展,造就了现代大工业。现代工业发展
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