术后胃瘫(gastroparesis)是指胃术后胃肠功能紊乱继发的非机械性的胃排空延迟导致的临床症状,国内也将该临床症候群称为功能性胃排空障碍(functional delayed gastric emp-tying,FDGE)。它是术后少见的近期并发症,FDGE发生原因尚不十分明确[1]。我院1989-2007年食管癌与贲门癌
Postoperative gastroparesis refers to the clinical symptoms caused by delayed non-mechanical gastric emptying secondary to gastrointestinal dysfunction after gastric surgery. The clinical syndrome is also referred to as functional delayed gastric emptying syndrome emp-tying, FDGE). It is a rare postoperative complications of the recent, FDGE causes are not yet clear [1]. Our hospital from 1989 to 2007 esophageal and cardiac cancer