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  Mr and Mrs Brown lived in a small house with their child. Sometimes Mr Brown came back from work very late,when his wife and the child were asleep,he opened the front door of his house with his key and came in very quietly.
  But one night when he was coming home late,he lost his key,so when he reached his house,he rang the bell. Nothing happened. He rang it again,and nothing happened—nobody moved inside the house. Mr Brown knocked at the bedroom window,he spoke to his wife,he shouted,but she did not wake up. At last,he stopped and thought for a few seconds. Then he began to speak like a small child.“Mother!”he said,“I want to go to the lavatory(卫生间)!”He spoke quite quietly,but at once,Mrs Brown woke up.Then he spoke to her,and she opened the door for him.
  Three people were walking along a street,first a tall man,then a pretty woman,and then an old gentleman. The first two went round a corner. Suddenly the gentleman saw a piece of five-pound money on the ground. He picked it up. A few seconds later,the young woman came back and cried,“I have dropped five pounds.”
  “Don?蒺t cry,”said the gentleman.“Here it is.”The young woman thanked him and went away.
  After a few seconds,the tall man came back. He was looking for something. Suddenly a window opened and a small man looked out.“I saw five pounds fall from your pocket,”he said,“but that man gave it to a young woman.”The tall man got very angry. The gentleman was frightened and gave him another five pounds.
  At last the tall man,the young woman and the small man shared(瓜分) the five pounds.
  Mrs Jones was waiting for an important telephone call,but she had no bread in the house,so she left the baby at home and said to his five-year-old brother,“I am going shopping,Jimmy,and I will be back in a few minutes.”
  While she was out,the telephone rang,and Jimmy answered.“Hello,”said a man,“is your mother there?”
  “No,”answered Jimmy.
  “Well,when she comes back,say to her Mr Baker telephoned.”
  “Mr Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R.”
  “I don?蒺t know how to write.”
  “Then,is there anybody else with you?Any brothers or sisters?”
  “My brother Billy is here.”
  “Good,I want to talk to him,please.”
  “All right.”Jimmy took the phone to the baby?蒺s bed and give it to Billy. When their mother came back,she asked,“Did anyone telephone?”
  “Yes,”said Jimmy,“a man. But he only wanted to talk to Billy.”
  Jimmy was four years old and he was a naughty(顽皮的) boy. Every day after lunch his mother took him to his bedroom and put him on his bed to rest for an hour. But Jimmy never slept and usually he made a lot of noise and got off his bed every few mimutes.
  One afteroon,Jimmy?蒺s mother put him on his bed and then went to her bedroom to do some sewing. After ten minutes,she heard a noise,so she went to Jimmy?蒺s room. He was not there,but his trousers were lying on his bed.
  She looked in the other rooms upstairs,but he was not there either,so she went to the top of the stairs and shouted down angrily,“Are you running about down there without your trousers?”
  “No,madam,”answered a man?蒺s voice.“I have brought your vegetables—and I am wearing my trousers.”
热线抢答    蓬溪县袁俞:  初一的时候,我认识了一位男孩,他虽然脾气不好,有这样那样的缺点,但是很关心我,我把他当成哥哥。有一天,我突然心血来潮,想跟他开个玩笑,就去找他班上的同学问他的生辰八字(其实我早就知道)。后来他问我有没有这回事,我笑着否认了。他竟然没有听出我的玩笑,很生气,就去找那伙人算账。他知道真相以后,就不再理我了。我三番五次地写信对他表示歉意,他都不屑一顾。直到现在,我还在写信
能“消化”铁钉的胃液  胃的消化能力很强,它能产生一种任何蛋白质都无法抵抗的名为“胃蛋白酶”的分子,同时还能产生一种液态盐酸,这种盐酸在试管里甚至能“消化”铁钉。  胃的消化能力如此之强,为什么没有把自己消化掉呢?这是因为胃的内壁上覆盖着一层天然的保护膜,如果没有这层保护膜,胃真的很快就会把自己消化掉!  由特殊的胃细胞分泌的黏液,在胃的内壁上形成了厚500微米的保护膜,它能阻止胃蛋白酶和盐酸与胃
米娟是个文弱的小女生。她头发黄黄的,扎成两根麻花辫;眼睛大大的、亮亮的,很是有神。说成绩,米娟的成绩不差,虽说不是班里的前三名,但从没掉出过前十。可是,米娟一点儿也不开心,上中学快半年了,身边的同学都有了好朋友——叶丽和栾芯芯成了死党;余茉莉和李乐成了闺密;还有班长王兜兜,兜兜是女生,如今她已经是班里的大姐姐了,女生们,不,就连男生都服她。只有,只有可怜的米娟,还是孤零零的一个人。  性格内向、和
有这样一个“大力士”,它的体重只有两千二百吨,可它产生的压力却有一万二千吨,是它体重的五倍。这个“大力士”就是上海江南制造厂制造的万吨水压机。这个“大力士”的力气是从哪里来的呢?这要讲到十九世纪法国科学家帕斯卡的故事。  帕斯卡从小不仅手脚勤快,爱帮助大人干这干那,还肯动脑筋,遇到什么事,总爱问个为什么。  有一次,他放学回家,走在大街上,看到一个人在浇花。那人把一条长长的扁的水龙带接在水龙头上,
大麦的香甜  没有人知道  荒野中隐藏的小径  通向我梦中的花园  那里没有成片的花海  却是一望无际的麦田  我小憩在麦田边  闭上双眼  吮吸着从风中飘来的  大麦的香甜  一切如此恬静  有时牵动我的思弦  一切如此亢奋  有时坐上整整的一天  从香甜的小睡中醒来  月光早已洒落在  麦田、屋檐和我的发尖  就让我睡在这里吧  晚风已为我盖上  刚刚织好的思念    城堡里的葡萄王子    
我梦见暑假去打工,竟然是在一家零食加工厂!这下我可饱了口福了,眼前一片花花绿绿,零食繁多,我右手拿着一包薯片,左手拿着一瓶饮料,痛快地吃着喝着。厂长在背后一声大叫:偷吃产品,开除!我被吓醒了。  No.562:邻水九龙镇中学 兰洋  这个梦好像现实版的《盗梦空间》。梦见在上数学课,我竟然趴在桌上睡着了,梦见老师经过我的身边,用书啪啪地拍桌子。我惊醒了,却看见历史老师正在讲台上绘声绘色地讲故事呢!我
我虽然喜欢读作文,可是一到写作文时,头脑就会一片空白,手紧紧握着笔,手心直冒冷汗。磨蹭半天,笔杆子都被我捏软了,我还是像耗子啃南瓜,不知道从何下手。最后要么仿照别人的写,要么就乱写一通。老师给我的评语不是“人云亦云”,就是“废话连篇”,唉,郁闷死了!  老师经常说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”可是,我根本听不进去,我只知道一味自责。每次上作文课,我几乎都在发呆,没有丝毫兴趣,老师见了总要批评我一顿。轮到
落日黄昏,喧闹、燥热了一天的周庄渐渐地恢复了宁静和安谧。   长长的石板街上,飘浮着丝丝缕缕的白天余热,被河埠上爬上来的阴凉水气荡漾得清凉宜人,柔柔地拂着脸颊,惬意而温馨……深深的幽弄里透着阵阵古朴灵气,噼里啪啦纷纷打烊的店铺里溢着万三蹄的脂香,那有着900余年历史的街巷里还氤氲着游人飘洒下的现代温情。  没有了白日如潮人流的街巷显得舒谧和幽深,更显历史的深邃、年代的久远。大多数的游客夹在匆忙的人
解答三角形内角或外角问题时,要注意选择并用好如下三个性质:  性质1 三角形的内角和等于180°.  例1 如图,在△ABC中, AD平分∠BAC且与BC相交于点D,∠B=40°,∠BAD=30°,则∠C的度数是().  (A)70° (B)80° (C)100° (D)110°  分析:在△ABC中,∠B=40°,要求∠C的度数,应先确定∠BAC的度数.  解:因为AD平分∠BAC,  所以∠B
杨桃讲述第一个关于玩笑的故事:  太阳底下,母亲和邻居大婶们坐着聊天。  她们做完农事,总有聚到一起拉家常的习惯。每当这时,我要么傍着母亲站着,当一个一言不发的听客,要么搬出小凳在院门口写作业,就算是笔下刷刷刷地运动着,我的耳朵也不时竖起,想从这些聊得欢快的妇人口中听到些趣闻。  声音最尖利的当属杨二娘。她斜靠在门前桃树桩上,说话时伴着大幅度的手势,那动静似要抖落身后的一树繁花。这时,她又提到了她