Opportunity cost has a wide range of application in decision analysis. For example, choosing the optimal solution from several options will inevitably eliminate and abandon some suboptimal solutions. The benefits that these suboptimal solutions may receive should be taken from the optimal solution adopted. The “gain” is compensated. Therefore, the opportunity cost is also called the opportunity loss. It is the potential benefit lost in adopting a scheme and giving up the rest of the scheme in a variety of alternative schemes. In other words, the opportunity cost of adopting a scheme is the opportunity to sacrifice it. Here are two examples of how it is applied. For example, a young person currently has two choices: to go to college or to work. The above universities have a monthly scholarship of 40 yuan, and a monthly payment of 20 yuan for 5 yuan of food and drinks. If you participate in a job, you will receive a monthly salary of 70 yuan, a monthly payment of 20 yuan, and a small 5 yuan. Based on the above data, the difference analysis table is used to explain the opportunity cost of the young people participating in the work: