璀灿的阳光,澄碧的晴空,冉冉上升的旗帜,稚嫩嘹亮的歌声拨动着人们的心弦……“我们是启智学校的学生,人人像颗闪亮的垦,提高智力,锻炼身体,勤奋、团结、向上、向文明……”园中花蕾绽放,君子兰彬彬有礼地展示出墨绿的身姿,这里被爱的氛围所包围,被爱心所浸染的生活将人们带进一个特殊美的境界。升旗、唱校歌、授花,启智学校开始了新的一天。一这便是天津市河北区启智学校。开始的时候,当我想象这些目光呆滞的“憨、痴、呆、傻”的孩子,心头潦起的是一股悒郁的酸楚。但是后来,当我来到启智学校,听到这一班班孩子们同声唤出“热烈欢迎客人”,我的心为之一振。再后来,当我参观了陈列着学生们的作品的展览,看到学生用易拉罐制作的烟碟,洗涤灵包装瓶制作的小花篮,毛线编织的地毯,瓜子皮粘的工艺品,听着一个有语言障碍的孩子为客人讲解学校教育改革成果,看到孩子们学会叠被子、洗手绢、钉扣子,整理书包、修理自行车、编织、缝纫的时候,一片温暖和宽舒的情绪在我全身流淌! 谁家要生下个“傻”孩子,无疑给家长带来难以
Bright sunshine, clear blue sky, the rising banner, the tender and loud voice of the people's heart beat ... ... “We are a student of the school of thought, everyone shining bright Ken, improve intelligence, exercise, diligence , Unity, upward, to the civilization ... ... ”The garden blooms, gentleman politely show dark green posture, here surrounded by the atmosphere of love, love life will be immersed in people into a special realm of beauty. The flag, singing school songs, grant flowers, Kai-chi school began a new day. This is the Hebei District, Tianjin Kai Chi school. The beginning, when I imagine these dull eyes of “foolish, crazy, stupid,” silly children, my heart is a gloomy sigh. But later, when I came to Kai-shek school and heard the children in the same class call out to “warmly welcome guests,” my heart stirred up. Later, when I visited the exhibitions showing the students 'work, I saw the students' cans made of cans, the small flower baskets made by the washing spirit bottles, the hand-woven rugs, the pastel crafts of melon seeds, Children with speech disabilities teach guests about the results of school education reform. When they see children learning to pack quilts, handkerchiefs, buttoning, school bags, bicycle repairs, weaving, and sewing, a warm and relaxed mood flows across my body. Home to give birth to a “silly” children, no doubt bring difficulties to parents