半路飞来的灾星 中国本无烟。16世纪晚期,原产美洲的烟草才由吕宋(菲律宾)传入我国福建、广东。当初,烟价昂贵,有“匹马斤烟”之说,只药用于御寒、祛邪。后来发现它有兴奋作用,吸者逐渐增多,且由南向北扩展,成了一大社会公害。明崇祯年间,政府就下令禁烟,说明当时种烟人已多起来,也说明当时人们已认识到它的危害。解放前,人们多用旱烟,地主老财们用水烟袋。以后,逐步发展为纸卷的香烟。香烟的气味有强大的诱惑力,让我们看看今日的烟世界吧—— 烟浪滚滚漫神州 400余年来,禁烟口号不绝于
Halfway fly China’s smoke-free. In the late 16th century, the native American tobacco was imported from Luzon (Philippines) into Fujian and Guangdong in our country. At the beginning, the price of cigarettes was expensive, and there was a saying that “only the medicine was used to keep warm and eliminate evil.” Later discovered that it has an exciting role, sucked up gradually increased, and expanded from south to north, has become a major public nuisance. In the Ming Dynasty, the government ordered a ban on smoking, indicating that the number of smokers at that time had increased and that people at that time had already realized its harm. Before the liberation, people mostly used dry tobacco and landlords and rich people used hookahs. Later, the progressive development of paper cigarettes. The smell of cigarettes has a strong temptation, let us take a look at today’s world of smoke it - smoke romance over Manchuria over 400 years, smoking slogans are endless