80年代初,北京市园林局和北京林业大学,将女贞(又称桢木、大叶女贞:Ligustrumm/u-cidum Ait)引种到北京获得成功。从此,北京有了常绿阔叶乔木,引种工作者获得科技奖。但是,众人对女贞进京落户的意义认识平淡,应用推广不快。其实,女贞能在京城正常生长发育,超出了京城以前和同期的任何树木引种。众所周知,这些年京城引来了悬铃木、雪松、水杉、黄杨、桂树和一些竹种等,但有的冬季落叶,有的是灌木或针叶树。也
In the early 1980s, the Beijing Gardens Bureau and Beijing Forestry University succeeded in introducing Beijing Ligustrumm / u-cidum Ait into Beijing. Since then, Beijing has evergreen broad-leaved trees, the introduction of workers won the science and technology award. However, people are not aware of the significance of priestess’s arrival in Beijing and its application and promotion are unpleasant. In fact, privet can grow and develop normally in the capital beyond any previous introduction and capitalization of the capital. As we all know, all these years the city attracted the introduction of Platanus, cedar, Metasequoia, boxwood, laurel and some bamboo species, but some winter leaves, some shrubs or conifers. and also