《物业管理条例》从本月起正式施行,这部历时4年多、经过反复征求意见和多次修改而“千呼万唤始出来”的中国首部物业管理法规,引起行业内外广泛的关注。在一片赞美声中也不乏贬损之辞。兴奋、渴望与遗憾并存,这本身就反映出这部法规的“收视率”的居高不下。作为一个新兴行业的一个新的法规的出台,能引起全社会的热情关注,这无疑是一件好事。当我们再从多角度去认真研读这部法规的各个章节条款时,才猛然发现这部法规是那么的来之不易,多少人的心血的结晶,多少人辛勤汗水的凝聚……这毕竟是零的突破,从无到有的变革,对于规范市场,促进行业发展,作用是划时代的…… 于是,我们倾力而为,超版面发挥,《特别关注》《物业管理条例》的颁布施行。从多角度、多侧面与《物业管理条例》零距离接触,奉上一份信息大餐,供读者笑纳。
The Property Management Ordinance came into effect this month. This first-ever Chinese property management code that lasted for more than 4 years after repeated solicitation of opinions and repeated amendments has aroused widespread concern inside and outside the industry. There is no lack of derogatory words in a compliment. Excitement, longing and regret coexist, which in itself reflects the high ratings of this law. The introduction of a new law and regulation as a new industry can arouse the concern of the entire society. This is undoubtedly a good thing. When we look at the chapters and articles of this statute in many ways, we suddenly realize that this law and order are so hard-won and how many people are painstakingly crystallized and how many people are united in sweat ... which is zero after all The breakthrough from scratch, for standardizing the market and promoting the development of the industry, the role is epoch-making ...... So, we go all out, super-version play, “special attention” “Property Management Ordinance” promulgated and implemented. From a multi-angle, multi-lateral contact with the “Property Management Ordinance” zero distance, offer a feast of information for readers to accept satisfied.