A Structural Study of Female Characters in Edith Wharton’s Novels

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  Edith  Wharton  was  one  of  the  most  renowned  American  female  writers  in  the late  19th century and the early 20th century. Her unique insights into women’s lives and dilemmas that they encounter in the society controlled and dominated by men draw the attention of feminism critics which brought the revival of her works.
  In the majority of her novels, Wharton gave priority to the gender differences, portrayed a great deal of female protagonists of different classes from the blue blood of aristocrats to poor tailors of lower class, from innocent maids to manipulative players. She revealed the values and conducts of her different protagonists, from women who give up and completely adapted to their conditions to those who strive and find their salvation alone.
  Since the problems those protagonists are facing cover such a great range. It may seem that the life courses of different female characters in different novels are not in consistence with each other at all. On the other hand, those novels are in some way related with each other and certain similarity could be found in the applying of binary opposition.
  In order to clarify the point of this paper, six female characters are chosen from the three novels respectively. They are May Welland and Ellen Olenska from the Age of Innocence, Mattie and Zeena from Ethan Frome, Ann Eliza and Evelina from Bunner Sisters.
  Consistency in the three novels can easily be found if the descriptions of characters could be broken down into gross constituent units (Levi-Strauss 430). All of three novels have three protagonists, one male and two females. Two females are connected by blood (cousins or sisters) before they meet the man who will alter the course of both their lives. Wharton's female characters seem to never exist apart from men: the forming or breaking of some kind of alliance with a man is imperative for woman as Wharton envisages her. Wharton presents women who scorn furtive sexual infidelity, who seek honest relationships with men, and who learn there is no point in an affair-or in a marriage-from which love and commitment are absent (McDowell 524).
  Wharton subtly juxtaposes women whose behavior is traditional with those whose behavior challenges social expectations. The two groups in some way form a binary opposition. In the three novels, traditional ones are May, Zeena and Ann Eliza. Their actions, as a wife or a sister, match the expectations of the society. Those who challenge social expectations are Ellen, Mattie and Evelina.   The endings for the two different groups are fairly different, too. Traditional ones have seemingly better, or to say, more acceptable endings. May and Zeena stay married, maybe not happily. Ann Eliza could still look for a new job to support herself. The untraditional ones end worse or could be described as unacceptable in their times. Ellen lives in Paris alone without a husband. Mattie, being disabled from her suicidal plan, is struck with Zeena for the rest of her life. Evelian, lost her child, husband and faith to God, then dies of illness.
  Female characters in Wharton’s novels always face the dilemma which could be put as to be or not to be. There are no clear instructions or advice of whether a woman should be the one she wants to be. She offered readers different endings of different choices and let the readers have an open discussion. This kind of character building choice could be analyzed by constructing a structure. In this paper, six protagonists are divided into two groups and the features of both are defined. Then the task would be to study how the system, i.e. the plots, would be affected by one or more characters. There are certain elements which are affecting each character, such as degree of freedom. In order to construct the system, those elements should be attended as well. Nevertheless, it would not be a threat to the whole dynamic system since it is so integrated.
  A structural study a literature work enables readers to take a step forward, then to go beyond the literature work itself. It offers certain patterns to readers which could help to predict what the next chapter or the next book will be about as well as different ways to understand some profound works. However, the interpretation of literary works should never be limited by superficial patterns or the context of history. It takes particular courage of writers to create literary works that challenge the codes of the society in which they appear and by which they are censored.
  Canby, Henry. “Fiction Sums Up a Century.” Literary History of the United States 2.10 (1948): 121. Print
  Lawson, Richard H. Edith Wharton. New York: Ungar Press, 1977. Print.
  Levi-Strauss, Claude. “The Structural Study of Myth.” The Journey of American Folklore 60.270 (1955): 428-44. Print.
  McDowell, Margaret. “Viewing the Custom of Her Country: Edith Wharton's Feminism.” Contemporary Literature 15.4 (1974): 521-38. Print.
  Roudiez, Leon. “With and beyond Literary Structuralism.” Books Abroad 49.2 (1975): 204-12. Print.
摘要:个人同一性问题是当代哲学的重要问题之一,洛克的个人同一理论以人和人格的概念相区分,洛克关于同一性的思想充满着矛盾,他认为人与人格有所不同,个人同一在于自我意识。本文首先对洛克个人同一的思想进行了简单的介绍,然后对其人格的定义和论证部分与莱布尼茨个人同一的解释进行了对比,简要阐述了莱布尼茨对其解释的争论。  关键词:个人同一、人格、记忆  一  洛克之所以探讨个人同一性理论,这与笛卡尔的灵魂实
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众所周知,朗诵艺术教学关乎很多演员的说话能力与表演能力,如何在教学过程中,挖掘朗诵艺术教学的潜力,值得我们深究。笔者通过几年的教学实践,提出了自己的见解,希望能对朗诵艺术教学起到抛砖引玉的作用,给大家带来一点参考和借鉴。  首先,在朗诵艺术教学中,要强调声音的训练。朗诵是一门听觉艺术,声音的好听与否,在朗诵时的重要性不言而喻。音量的高低,音质的好坏,以及气息的大小,都关系到朗诵的质量。所以,老师在
摘要:近年来,更多形式多样、内容丰富、风格独特的网络自制娱乐节目不断涌现,其中视频网站爱奇艺自制的《奇葩说》是近两年来网络中广受欢迎的娱乐节目之一,本文我们将对传统电视综艺的优劣来进行对比和总结,并具体分析网络综艺节目《奇葩说》三季节目的主持风格,从中概括出网络娱乐节目主持风格的特点与优势,以此对传统电视综艺节目的发展提供参考依据。  关键词:传统电视综艺;网络电视综艺;《奇葩说》;独特性;差异性
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摘要:一定时期以来,文化生态观的理念深入发展,文化生态观的设计系统主要是基于城市、生态,在城市所具备的自然条件与建设条件下,以城市和谐社会、经济稳步增长、环境持续发展为目标,科学的对城市的建设体系进行设计。本文主要对基于文化生态观的设计系统与设计实践进行研究,主要解决当前的人口、经济、环境等方面的问题,保障城市的健康稳定发展。  关键词:文化生态观;设计系统;设计实践  一、基于文化生态观的设计系
摘要:风筝,又名纸鸢,至今已有五千年的悠久历史。潍坊风筝作为民间风筝的典型代表,其造型、题材都具有很高的审美价值。本文以历史悠久的山东潍坊风筝为例,从风筝的起源、题材、造型和工艺上进行阐述,展示了风筝作为独特形式的工艺美术所蕴涵的艺术魅力,发掘潍坊风筝的艺术生命力之所在,有利于更好的拓展当地的民间艺术文脉。  关键词:潍坊风筝;题材;制作工艺;传承与发展  风筝被视为一种文化艺术,是集“扎、绘、糊
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声乐教学关乎声乐人才的培养和锻炼,要想培养出一流的声乐人才,离不开教学的全过程,所以,在日常工作中,我们一定要格外重视声乐教学,从总体脉络上和细节上对声乐教学进行规划,让声乐教学沿着正轨前进。根据笔者的经验,在声乐艺术教学中,以下几个问题是必须要注意的。  第一,在声乐教学中要因材施教。当我们发现具有潜力的音乐苗子之后,要仔细观察他在声乐方面的才能,判定他在声乐方面的长项,看他是属于高音、中音还是