自己捐了10年的压岁钱和零花钱总计16 000多元,又发倡议书筹钱。“公城小学图书室”开始装修,价值7万多元的优秀图书让乡村校园书香四溢。湖南民院附小11岁男孩曹正阳实现了自己的梦想——给山区孩子建个小小图书室,让他们和城里孩子一样有好书读。(摘自2013年11月27日《长沙晚报》)想起蜀之鄙一穷一富两个和尚的故事:富僧不能至南海而贫者至,且只靠一瓶一钵,体现的是任何困难也无法阻挡前行的意志。小男孩曹正阳建设山区图
He has donated 10 years of lucky money and pocket money totaling more than 16 000 yuan, and has also issued a proposal to raise money. The “Public City Elementary School Library” began to be renovated. The outstanding books with a value of more than 70,000 yuan made the rural campus overflowing. The 11-year-old boy from the Hunan Academy of Primary School Cao Zhengyang realized his dream of building a small library for children in the mountains so that they could read books as well as children in the city. (From “Changsha Evening News” on November 27, 2013) I think of the story of two monks who were poor and rich. The rich man could not reach the South China Sea and was poor, and he only had to rely on a bottle and see what was difficult. It also cannot stop the will to move forward. Little boy Cao Zhengyang building mountain map