[Objective] The research aimed to discuss the correlation between the activity of dried wheat seeds and its dehydrogenase activity. [Method] With 5 wheat cultivars (lines) as test materials, the newly harvested wheat seeds were dried, stored under two kinds of storage for 1 year, and the seed vigor of dried wheat seeds was measured by seedling growth. Tripchloride Determination of Wheat Seed Dehydrogenase Activity by Means of Toluene. [Result] The results showed that (42 ± 1) ℃ drying had no adverse effect on the germination potential, germination rate and seedling growth of new wheat seeds. The seeds were stored at room temperature in sealed condition and in cold storage (5 ~ 8 ℃) Has a higher germination power, the germination potential, the difference was not significant germination rate. The vigor index of dried seeds of wheat was significantly and positively correlated with its dehydrogenase activity, whether it was new seed or aged seed stored for one year under two kinds of storage methods. Dry weight, germination potential, germination rate, germination index Hydrogenase activity were positively correlated. [Conclusion] Dehydrogenase activity could be used as one of the indexes to evaluate the vigor of dried wheat seeds.