日本东京制钢公司拥有世界上最大的直流电弧炉,公称容量130t。目前这座直流电弧炉仅需5人操作,其中包括一名吊车工。拟在两年内完成自动吹氧、自动更换电极以及人工智能控制系统(artifical intelligence control system)的安装。上述配套项目投入运行后,这座世界最大的直流电弧炉只需2~3人操作。 1989年9月投入试生产后,克服了一系列开妒过程有关的困难,产量逐月上升。1990年3、4、5诸月产量分别达到72600t、74800t和76800t,6月产量超过80000t。日本东京制钢公司原计划采用直流电弧炉后吨钢成本比交流电弧炉降低3000日元的目标
Japan’s Tokyo Steel Company has the world’s largest DC electric arc furnace, nominal capacity of 130t. Currently this DC electric arc furnace only 5 operations, including a crane operator. It is planned to complete the automatic oxygen blowing, automatic electrode replacement and the installation of an artificial intelligence control system within two years. The above-mentioned ancillary projects put into operation, the world’s largest DC electric arc furnace only 2 to 3 people to operate. Put into trial production in September 1989, to overcome the difficulties associated with a series of open jealousy, the output increased month by month. In 1990 3,4,5 monthly production reached 72,600 t, respectively, 74,800 t and 76,800 t, more than 80,000 t in June. Japan’s Tokyo Steel Company originally planned to use DC electric arc furnace cost per ton than the AC electric arc furnace to reduce the target of 3,000 yen