刘兰芳是全国曲艺家协会副主席,鞍山市曲艺团团长、全国著名评书表演艺术家,又是1987年全国总工会颁发的“五一”劳动奖章获得者。7年来,她的演出超千场,行程数万里,足迹遍布20多个省、市,观众达150万人次。由于刘兰芳艺术实践多,在全国影响大,多年来,她的艺术档案资料有专人负责收集和保管。刘兰芳艺术档案的收集工作主要从以下几方面做起。 1、演出活动和收集档案同步进行艺术团体的特点是,演出活动频繁,有些活动是临时决定,比如,曲艺团每到一地演出,领导接见、观众来访、向民间艺人学习、到当地某处参观访问等,常常因事而定,因人而异,事先很难预料。所以,每次外出演出前,团里都要事先做好收集材料的准备。在每场演出活动的同时,注意收集各种材料。比如,
Liu Lanfang is the vice chairman of the National Quyi Association, head of Anshan City Quyi Troupe, and famous national performance artist. He is also the May 1st Labor Medalist awarded by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in 1987. In the past seven years, she performed over a thousand performances, traveling tens of thousands of miles and has traveled more than 20 provinces and cities with a total audience of 1.5 million. As Liu Lanfang art practice more influential in the country, over the years, her art files have a person responsible for the collection and custody of documents. Liu Lanfang collection of art files mainly from the following aspects. 1. Performing Activities and Collecting Files Synchronously Performing arts groups are characterized by frequent performing activities and some temporary decisions. For example, the troupes perform on a per-site basis, interview their leaders, visit the audience, learn from folk artists, and go somewhere in the area Visit and so on, often due to circumstances, vary from person to person, difficult to predict in advance. Therefore, each time before going out to perform, the regiment must be prepared in advance to collect the material. At the same time of each performance, pay attention to collect all kinds of materials. such as,