1贝克汉姆的母亲是一位理发师——这也就不奇怪了,他为什么拥有那么多令人捉摸不透的发型。2 Sharpie是全球知名的名人签名笔首选品牌,1960年问世,贝克汉姆与其签约。3小贝在曼彻斯特的第一次寄宿生活是和一对苏格兰夫妇在一起,双方不欢而散,随后他搬到了汤姆的家里。4在泰国曼谷的一座佛教寺庙里,出现过贝克汉姆的金身塑像,啊呀,这是真正的黄金右脚! 5贝克汉姆有一条宠物狗,名字叫Twiggy,但它却是一条惹是生非的狗,因为其随地大小便。6贝克汉姆有三个儿子:9岁的布鲁克林,5岁的罗密欧和3岁的克鲁兹,埃尔顿·约翰是其中两个孩子的教父,埃尔顿·约翰是英国的摇滚巨星,一等一的传奇人物,已经与自己的同性恋人结婚。
1 David Beckham’s mother is a barber - it is not surprising why he has so many unpredictable hairstyles. 2 Sharpie is the world famous celebrity signature pen preferred brand, came out in 1960, Beckham signed with. Beckham’s first boarding life in Manchester was with a Scottish couple who broke up badly and moved to Tom’s house. 4 In a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand, a golden statue of David Beckham appeared, ah, this is the real golden right foot! 5 Beckham has a pet dog, called Twiggy, but it is a provocation Dog, because of its urine. 6 Beckham has three sons: 9-year-old Brooklyn, 5-year-old Romeo and 3-year-old Cruz, Elton John are the godfathers of two of them, Elton John is a British rock star, first-class A legend, already married to her own gay people.