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如今汽车的普及就像当年自行车的普及一样,几乎谁都可以买得起车了。如果买不起高档的,就买中档的,如中档的还觉得有些贵,买稍低档一些的也可以,总之到处是汽车的局面似乎已很难控制了。于是摇号购车,于是限行,于是考虑收拥堵费。之所以如此,无非因为路堵与空气污染的问题。过去有说:早知如此,何必当初。细想起来,好像还真是这么个理儿。很多时候,都是先放水再修渠。这应该属于发展中的问题吧。我们曾经非常羡慕发达国家家庭汽车的发展计划,事实上也是。改革开放使汽车进入了平民家庭,它方便了我们的出行,方便了我们的生活。然而,物极必反。总量的控制和区域发展的平衡把握不好,就会出现我们所列举的拥堵与污染问题。尽管节能减排已成车企的 Now the popularity of cars just like the popularity of bicycles that year, almost anyone can afford the car. If you can not afford to buy high-end, to buy mid-range, such as the mid-range also feel a bit expensive, buy some lower-grade can also be, in short, the car is everywhere seems difficult to control the situation. So Yaohao car, so limit line, so consider blocking congestion charges. The reason is nothing more than road blockage and air pollution problems. In the past have said: I knew so, why should the original. In retrospect, it seems really so child. In many cases, it is the first to drain and repair the canal. This should belong to the development of the problem. We used to envy the development plans of family cars in developed countries, in fact, too. Reform and opening up to the car into civilian families, it facilitates our travel, convenient for our lives. However, the opposite is true. The control of the total amount and the balance of the regional development are not properly controlled, and the problems of congestion and pollution that we have listed will arise. Although energy-saving emission reduction has become a car prices
他念他翁山中段地处青藏高原东南部和云贵高原过渡地带,海拔4 200 m以上保存着确切的第四纪冰川遗迹.对其进行深入研究,不仅可以重建横断山脉冰川作用的演化历史,还能够为青
目的探讨邯郸地区不同群体临终关怀培训需求情况,为促进临终关怀事业发展提供理论依据。方法采用整群抽样方法,对邯郸市3个社区和在读医学生进行问卷调查。采用SPSS 17.0软件