In November 1946, Bing Xin went to Japan with her husband Wu Wenzao and returned to New China in 1951. During the day, Bing Xin returned to attend the National Political Council in Nanjing. After the meeting, Bing Xin detour from Nanjing to Peking in Shanghai. On Bingxin’s trip to Peiping, Zhuo Ru “Bingxin Chronicle” although recorded, but not simple. When I consulted the Peiping “World Journal,” I found five reports of Bing Xin in the special edition of the newspaper Education Edition, all of which were found in Bing Xin Nian Bu and Bing Xin Zhuan. These reports disclosed in more detail Bing Xin’s speech and activities during the Peking period in June 1947,