目的 研究感染性钉螺在现场自然环境中的生存积温。方法 采集安徽省贵池江滩现场无血吸虫感染的钉螺,以钉螺:毛蚴(无锡地理株)1:20的比例进行人工感染,将逸蚴获得的感染性钉螺放到现场自然环境中饲养,定期观察感染性钉螺的生存情况,连续记录现场温度,根据变温动物生长积温的计算公式(Q=∑Tn),计算感染性钉螺自放入现场到死亡所需的环境积温。结果人工培养的感染性钉螺在自然环境平均温度在19.8℃(4.4-31.5℃)的条件下,最短生存积温为75.30日度,最长生存积温为2771.20日度,平均生存积温为(1045.26±542.81)日度,64%的感染性钉螺在现场环境中的生存积温在1011.90日度以上。结论 感染性钉螺在自然环境中生存的起始积温较低,但大多数感染性钉螺的生存积温在1000日度以上。
Objective To study the survival temperature of Incontinen in natural environment. Methods Non-infected snails were collected on the spot of Guichi Lake in Anhui Province. Infected snails were inoculated in the natural environment at a 1:20 ratio of Oncomelania: miracidia (Wuxi Geography), and observed periodically Infectious snail survival, continuous recording of field temperature, according to the variable temperature growth of animal accumulated temperature formula (Q = ΣTn), calculate the infective snail from the scene to death required for the accumulation of environmental temperature. Results Infected snails cultured in the natural environment at 19.8 ℃ (4.4-31.5 ℃), the shortest survival accumulated temperature was 75. 30 days, the longest survival accumulated temperature was 2771.20 days, the average survival accumulated temperature was (1045.26 ± 542.81 ) In Japan, 64% of infected snails live in the field environment in the accumulated temperature of 1011.90 days or more. Conclusion Infectious snails have a relatively low initial accumulated temperature in their natural environment, but most of the infective snails have a cumulative accumulated temperature of more than 1,000 days.