STEP 1尺寸可以根据自己喜好自定,除了海报或封面制作是直幅外,通常会是长方形横幅。开一个新画布,然后开新图层绘制草图。形体结构请尽量根据化石或骨骼图片复原,也可以寻找分类关系接近的种类作参考。韩国角龙体型细小,与大型、具备丰富头饰的角龙类走上不同的演化道路。
STEP 1 size can be customized according to their own preferences, in addition to posters or cover production is straight, it will usually be a rectangular banner. Open a new canvas and open a new layer to draw the sketch. As far as possible according to the physical structure of the fossil or bone picture recovery, you can also find the classification of the type of relationship for reference. The small size of Korean horned dragons embarks on a different evolutionary path from the large horned dinosaurs with rich headdresses.