第一条 为了规范工程建设项目招标人自行招标行为,加强对招标投标活动的监督,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》(以下简称招标投标法)和《国务院办公厅印发国务院有关部门实施招标投标活动行政监督的职责分工意见的通知》(国办发[2000]34号),制定本办法。
Article 1 In order to standardize the bidding activities of tenderers of construction projects and to strengthen the supervision of tendering and bidding activities, according to the Bidding Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Tendering and Bidding Law) and the State Council General Office Notice of Opinions on Division of Duties and Responsibilities of Administrative Supervision of Activities "(Guo Ban Fa [2000] No. 34).