我们研制的氯硝柳胺控释剂具有长效灭螺、减轻对鱼类及环境危害的优点。为了对其毒性做深入的评价 ,1 995年对该控释剂对鱼类的毒性等作了进一步的试验。1 材料和方法1 1 药物 :氯硝柳胺控释剂由我所药物室研制并监制 ,西南民族学院兽药厂中试产品。1 2 仪器 :日本岛津U
The niclosamide controlled release agent we developed has the advantages of long-acting molluscicidal effect and alleviating the harm to fish and the environment. In order to further evaluate its toxicity, further tests on the toxicity of the controlled release agent to fish in 1995 were conducted. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 Drugs: Niclosamide controlled release agent developed and manufactured by our drugstore, Southwest Institute for National Veterinary Medicine pilot plant products. 1 2 instrument: Japan Shimadzu U