The original “aluminum plate, strip, foil rolling new technology,” written by Xia Meicheng, former director of North China Aluminum Processing Factory, is serialized from this issue. The author’s comprehensive and systematic summary of this process will play a catalytic role in the development of China’s aluminum processing industry. This new process will be our country production of aluminum foil and civilian strip, the mainstream of the board, Shanghai Aluminum Factory new aluminum foil workshop and sheet shop, Taiyuan Aluminum Factory, Luoyang Copper Factory aluminum magnesium plant, Northwest Aluminum Factory sheet shop Will use this technology will be rolling aluminum foil and strip. This article was revised and supplemented by Comrades Xin Dongfu and Meng Qingfu, and finally reviewed and finalized by Comrade Wang Zhuotang. Wang Zhe, deputy general manager of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation and chairman of China Nonferrous Metals Processing Industry Association, commented on the preface to this article.