酸牛奶是用无菌鲜牛奶经过消毒后加入乳酸菌,在30-40℃下发酵制成的,具有颜色乳白、酸甜适口、清香爽人的特点。在制作酸牛奶的过程中,如果再加入新鲜果汁、果酱、蔗糖、色素、香料或鸡蛋等,可制出含糖酸牛奶、果汁酸牛奶、鸡蛋酸牛奶和乳酪等,可谓花样繁多,风味各异。酸牛奶营养丰富,易于消化吸收。据研究,酸牛奶的营养价值要比鲜牛奶高近10倍,它除含有脂肪、蛋白质、糖类、维生素 A、B、C、D、E 和钙、磷、铁等人体必须的营养成分
Yogurt is sterilized with fresh milk after sterilization by adding lactic acid bacteria, made at 30-40 ℃ fermentation, with color milky white, sweet and sour taste, fragrance Shuangren characteristics. In the process of making yogurts, yoghurt, yogurt, egg yogurts and yoghurt can be made with fresh fruit juices, jams, cane sugar, colorings, spices or eggs. Yogurt nutritious, easy to digest and absorb. According to the study, the nutritional value of yogurt than fresh milk nearly 10 times higher, in addition to it contains fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other essential nutrients