陈自挺,今年25岁,做甲鱼生意已有9年时间。1996年陈自挺初中毕业,当时他家在福建的邵武县是出了名的富裕户,财富的主要来源是父亲养殖的甲鱼,16岁的他看见甲鱼能挣钱,便跟随父亲开始养甲鱼。从那以后,甲鱼给他带来了数不尽的喜和忧。 1999年,由于各地养殖甲鱼的企业越来越多,甲鱼的价格从刚开始的200多元一公斤跌到30多元一公斤,养殖场难以维持下去,陈自挺的父亲就不想再经营,但是陈自挺却坚持要继续发展下去。
Chen from Ting, 25 years old this year, doing turtle business for 9 years. Chen Zi-ting junior high school graduated in 1996, when his family in Fujian’s Shaowu County is well-known wealthy households, the main source of wealth is his father’s turtle, 16-year-old he saw the turtle can earn money, then follow his father began to raise turtle. Since then, soft-shelled turtles have brought him endless pleasures and worries. In 1999, due to the increasing number of enterprises that breed soft-shelled turtles around the country, the price of soft-shelled turtles dropped from over RMB1,000 to over RMB1,000 per kg at the start of the project, making it difficult to maintain their farms. Chen Zi-ting’s father did not want to operate anymore, but Chen Zi-ting insisted To continue to develop.