一、坚持效益第一的市场观念,组织好经济运行工作,力争全年效益扭亏为盈。 组织好工业经济运行,必须从市场需求出发,解决难点,抓好重点。在组织好有销路、有市场、有效益产品生产的同时,还要卡住另一头,对增加库存、增加应收帐款、增加亏损的产品做到坚决不生产、不压钱,使工业生产真正地建立在良好效益的基础上。
First, adhere to the concept of market efficiency first, organize the work of economic operation, and strive to turn around the profit for the year. To organize the operation of industrial economy, we must proceed from the needs of the market, solve difficult problems and focus well. In the organization of a marketable, marketable, effective production of products at the same time, but also stuck at the other end, to increase inventory, increase accounts receivable, increase loss of products so firmly not to produce, do not pressure money, so that industrial production Really built on the basis of good benefits.