The growth of summer maize in North China Plain was studied by setting four different nitrogen management measures, namely nitrogen application rates of 300kgN / ha (N300) and 250kgN / ha (N250), improved optimized mode of application and slow release fertilizer (SRU) The exchange fluxes of CH4 and N2O between the soil and the atmosphere and the mitigation potential of the corresponding measures.The results showed that the soil was the net absorption of atmospheric CH4 and the source of N2O throughout the summer maize growing season in 2008. Summer maize The total amount of CH4 absorbed by the soil during the growing season was Optimized> N250> SRU> N300, and the corresponding total absorption was 624.16, 590.07, 487.89 and 316.02gCH4-C / ha, respectively. Compared with N300 and N250 treatments, nitrogen fertilizer application rate was determined according to the requirement of summer maize for nitrogen fertilizer and the availability of available nitrogen in maize root so as to rebalance the application of phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer The improvement of fertilization mode could significantly reduce the N2O emission during the growing season of summer maize.The application of polyethylene coated urea could also significantly reduce the N2O emission in the summer maize season.During the summer maize growth season, N250> Op timized> SRU. The corresponding emissions totaled 3462.18, 2340.07, 1680.00 and 911.91gN2O-N / ha, respectively. The corresponding N2O emission factors were 1.15%, 0.94%, 0.91% and 0.30%, respectively.