通过田间试验与室内分析相结合的方法对春小麦在不同肥料处理下的产量及产量构成因素进行分析 ,结果表明 :厩肥的施用使春小麦经济产量、生物产量、经济系数平均增加 770kg hm2 、12 4 0kg hm2 、4 % ,使穗粒数平均增加 4 .2粒。氮磷、氮磷钾化肥的施用使春小麦经济产量、生物产量 ,穗粒数都有明显增加 ;厩肥与氮磷化肥配合在产量及产量构成因素方面表现为正交互作用 ,与NPK化肥配合表现不一致
The yield and yield components of spring wheat under different fertilizer treatments were analyzed through the field experiment and indoor analysis. The results showed that the application of manure increased the average economic output, bio-yield and economic coefficient of spring wheat by 770kg hm2 and 12400kg hm2, 4%, so that the average number of grains per spike increased 4.2. The application of N, P and NPK fertilizers increased the economic yield, biomass and grain number per spike of spring wheat. The interaction between manure and N and P fertilizers showed positive interaction in terms of yield and yield components, which was inconsistent with the NPK compound