荣誉奖 郭沫若全集·考古编(10卷) 科学出版社出版 本书的出版是我国历史考古学界,特别是古文字学方面渴望已久的盛事。本书在编辑过程中,不仅认真地进行了文字校订,而且补充了图像和拓本,增加了必要的编者注释,同时又将
Honorary Award Guo Moruo Complete Works · Archeology (10 volumes) Science Press Publishing The book is published in the history of archeology in China, especially in ancient writing longing for the event. This book in the editing process, not only seriously carried out the text correction, but also to add the images and rubbings, adding the necessary editor’s note, at the same time