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  Poem in Tune of Yejinmen
  The peach blossom will burst open, Showing half its red toward the evening.
  The cooking smoke spreads in the sky far beyond the hilltop,
  Gradually fades away① with the remaining afterglow②.
  Hearken③ the warbling of the orioles④ alone,
  And call to my dear child softly now and then:
  “Put the cooking of water shield and perches⑤ for later,
  Is the wine in the pot warmed up yet?”

It all began as we were standing in front of the bathroom mirror, me, fixing Amanda’s blonde hair. I said, "I love you, Amanda." "And, I love you," she replied. "Oh, yeah,"I taunted①."Well, I love you
愿意为之而死的腿  今天在网上看上几样东西,就找客服谈价钱,客服1不答应就找客2。直到找到客服6,对方回话:“亲,您别磨了,客服1-7都是我一人!”  胖妞:你会说我有“美腿”还是”愿意为之而死的腿”?  Peter:Ah…both?…  彼得:啊…?…都、都有吧~  Fat broad:Thank you.  胖妞:谢谢。  彼得:死于这双腿的唯一方式就是——被踢到死。  女友对我说:“我有拖延
冰男(下)  在预定启程的五天前,我定了定心神说道,“我们把去南极的事忘了吧。我现在想想,反应过来那里太冷,可能不利于我们的身体健康。我开始想可能要去一些更平常的地方。欧洲如何?我们去西班牙好好玩一玩。我们可以喝葡萄酒,吃海鲜饭,看斗牛表演什么的。”  但是我们已经买了毛皮大衣,毛皮棉鞋。我们不能让那些都浪费掉。现在事已至此,我们不能不去。”  我真的觉得惊讶。我有一种预感,如果我们去了南极,就会
"A few weeks back, I saw a guy sleeping on the train."  "I see that all the time."  "Yeah, but this guy was sleeping on a girl’s shoulder."  I’d seen this, too.  "And she was looking at her phone," he
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每次我遇到一个让我心动的男孩,我就会在心里默念:保佑他和我一样古怪吧!  我觉得有魅力的男人:要么是名人,要么已经有主,要么年纪比我大一倍,要么完全不知道我存在,要么不是现实世界中的人。  我担心自己早就遇上了白马王子但很可能已经让他滚蛋了。  如果有个男友,我完全不知道该怎么办……他们吃什么?多久要遛一次?  男孩们就像奥斯卡奖,而我就像莱昂纳多?迪卡普里奥。  剃腿毛给谁看呢?  我是主动选择
Magpie on the Branch  Thousands of petals① fall from the mume trees Reluctantly② and whirl like snow in the breeze.  Gone are last night’s flute③ songs, a joy so brief;  Awake from wine, I find but bo