随着西部大开发的顺利开展,西部各省市已纷纷加快了前进的步伐,记者日前从重庆市委宣传部组织的一次“西部大开发宣传工作会议”上获悉,截止目前,西部10省市已全部确立了各自的“大开发总体思路及目标”。未来西部是啥样,西部人已为自己绘出了“蓝图”: 重庆 充分利用重庆西部工业重镇、三峡库区开发、承东启西重要联结点的三大优势,构筑长江经济带西部增长极、成渝经济基础新高地、长江上游经济中心三大经济制高点,使重庆在西部大开发中发挥战略支撑、对外“窗口”和辐射带动三大功能。 四川 壮大电子信息、机械冶金、建筑建材、饮料食
With the smooth development of the western development, all the western provinces and municipalities have accelerated the pace of progress one after another. Recently, the reporter learned from a propaganda and working conference for the western development organized by the Propaganda Department of Chongqing Municipality that up to now, all 10 provinces and municipalities in the western region have all Established their own “general development of big ideas and goals.” In the future, what is western? Westerners have drawn a “blueprint” for themselves: Chongqing has made full use of the three major advantages of Chongqing’s industrial center in western China, the development of the Three Gorges reservoir area and the important connecting point of the east and the west, and has built the Yangtze River Economic Belt , The new highland of economic base in Chengdu and Chongqing, and the economic supremacy of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River so that Chongqing can play its strategic support in the large-scale development of the western region and its “window” and its radiation drive three major functions. Sichuan expand electronic information, machinery and metallurgy, building materials, food and beverage