1 问题的提出雨天室内体育课是体育教学的一种组织形式,它包括:体育基本知识、运动技术分析和发展身体素质练习三个方面,目前乡镇中学的场地条件比较差,很少有室内场地,长期以来在雨天或雨后场地潮湿的情况下,体育课只能是在教室里讲讲体育卫生常识、体育竞赛规则、体育新闻故事,时间长了,学生也就渐渐失去了兴趣。在目前下,我设想了采用一些在教室里开展素质练习的简易方法,以提高学生的运动能力,发展素质,增强体质。
1 Problem Raising indoor sports class is an organized form of physical education, which includes: basic knowledge of sports, sports technical analysis and development of physical fitness in three areas, the current conditions of the township secondary schools are relatively poor, very few indoor venues It has long been a case of wet places in rainy or rainy days where physical education can only talk about sportsmanship, rules of sports competition and sports news stories in the classroom. As a result, students lose their interest gradually. At this moment, I envisaged the use of simple methods for carrying out quality exercises in the classroom, in order to improve students’ ability to exercise, develop their qualities and enhance their physical fitness.