近年来,念珠菌感染的发病率迅速增高。作者报告22例念珠菌性腹膜炎,并对过去文献发表的12例作了复习。 22例念珠菌性腹膜炎的临床表现均有腹膜刺激征(弥漫性腹部压痛伴反跳痛、肠鸣音减低或消失)、白细胞增多(12,000以上)、腹腔液混浊或呈脓性,20例发热达38℃或更高。其中10例发生在急、慢性肾功能衰竭进行腹膜透析时。12例因腹内脏器穿孔(10例)和胃肠道手术(2例)所致。前组10例腹水培养,3例有白色念珠菌,7例有其他念珠菌生长;血培养1例阳性。这组患者在诊为播散性念珠菌感染前曾用皮质激素及硫唑嘌呤治疗。
In recent years, the incidence of Candida infections increased rapidly. The authors report 22 cases of candidal peritonitis, and reviewed 12 articles published in the past. 22 cases of Candida peritonitis clinical manifestations were peritoneal irritation (diffuse abdominal tenderness with rebound tenderness, bowel sounds decreased or disappeared), leukocytosis (more than 12,000), peritoneal fluid cloudy or was purulent, 20 cases of fever 38 ℃ or higher. Ten cases occurred in acute and chronic renal failure for peritoneal dialysis. 12 cases due to peritoneal perforation (10 cases) and gastrointestinal surgery (2 cases) due. 10 cases of ascites were cultured in the former group, Candida albicans was observed in 3 cases and Candida albicans was grown in 7 cases. One case of blood culture was positive. This group of patients treated with disseminated Candida infections before corticosteroids and azathioprine treatment.