近几年来,湖北省襄樊市坚持以质量和效益为中心抓好财政工作,取得了较为显著的成效。目前,财政赤字全部消化,财政收支矛盾明显缓解。财政收入由1994年的10.8亿元增加到1999年的25.2亿元,年均递增18.5%。1999年财政收入占 GDP 的比重,比“八五”期末提高了2.7个百分点。教育、科技等重点支出逐年增加,社会保障支出得到保证。1999年,全市用于扶贫解困和下岗职工基本生活的财政支出达到
In recent years, Xiangfan in Hubei Province has persisted in focusing its financial work on the basis of quality and efficiency and achieved remarkable results. At present, all the deficits have been digested and the contradiction between fiscal revenues and expenditures has been eased. Financial revenue increased from 1.08 billion yuan in 1994 to 2.52 billion yuan in 1999, an average annual increase of 18.5%. The proportion of fiscal revenue in GDP in 1999 was 2.7 percentage points higher than that of the “1985” period. The key expenditures of education, science and technology have been increasing year by year, and social security expenditures have been guaranteed. In 1999, the city’s fiscal expenditure on poverty alleviation and laid-off workers’ basic livelihood reached