立法论争沸沸扬扬 近年来,随着我国信息产业大发展,在商界和广大消费者当中,尤其是知识产权的立法司法及学界,对如何依法保护软件著作权,议论纷纷,莫衷一是,成为热 2002年1月1日起施行的新颁《计算机软件保护条例》引起社会各界扶烈反应。经修订发布的这一新条例,完全取消了原条例对软件合理使用的规定,即“因课堂教学、科学研究、国家机关执行公务等非商业性目的的需要,对软件进行少量的复制,可以不经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意,不向其支付报酬”。从而,把我国所有的单位和个人在未经授权的非商业合理使用软件,统统规定为非法,要加以处罚。即使警察、检察官、法官、律师经办涉及软件案子的取证,也在禁止之例。 购买一张正版软件光盘,一般只被授权许可安装1
In recent years, with the great development of China’s information industry, among the business community and the vast consumers, especially intellectual property law and judicial circles and academics, how to protect software copyrights in accordance with law has been widely discussed. The promulgation of the “Computer Software Protection Regulations” on January 1 aroused the vigorous response from all walks of life. The new regulation amending and promulgating completely abolished the provisions of the original regulations on the rational use of software, that is, “due to the need of non-commercial purposes such as classroom teaching, scientific research and the execution of official duties by state organs, a small amount of copying of the software may be performed Without payment of remuneration without the consent of the software copyright owner or its legal transferee ”. Thus, all units and individuals in our country should be penalized for unauthorized use of software in a non-commercial and rational manner. Even police, prosecutors, judges and lawyers handling forensics involving software cases are forbidden. Buy a genuine software CD-ROM, usually only authorized to install 1