欧洲唯一的核动力航母基地 法国土伦海军基地

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土伦军港是法国海军最为重要的军事基地之一,与法国西部濒临大西洋的布雷斯特军港并称为法国海军的两大军港,法国海军所属的作战舰艇基本都停泊在这2个军港里,而土伦军港又因为是法国海军唯一一艘核动力航母“夏尔·戴高乐”号的母港而更受关注。尤其进入21世纪以来,土伦军港逐渐成为法国海军大部分主力作战舰艇的母港,除了“戴高尔”号航母外,还有“红宝石”级攻击型核潜艇、“西北风”级两栖攻击舰、“地平线”级防空导弹驱逐舰、“拉斐特”级隐身护卫舰等都以此为母港。据法国海军公布的数据显示,土伦军港停泊的作战舰艇总吨位占到法国海军停泊总吨位的60%以上。 Toulon military port is one of the most important military bases of the French Navy, and the Brest West Antarctica on the brink of the Atlantic in western France is also known as the two naval ports of the French Navy. The French Navy’s combat ships are basically anchored in the two military ports, The Toulon military port and the French Navy is the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier “Charles de Gaulle ” home port and even more attention. Especially since the 21st century, the Toulon military port has gradually become the home port for most of the French Navy’s main combat warships. In addition to the carrier Daigear, there are also “Ruby” class attack nuclear submarines, “Northwest Wind” “Class amphibious assault ships,” “Horizon” class air defense missile destroyer, “Lafayette” class stealth frigates and so on as the home port. According to the data released by the French Navy, the total tonnage of combat vessels moored at Toulon Harbor accounts for more than 60% of the French Navy’s gross tonnage.