黑河專署各市縣旗人民政府: 目前各縣屠宰市場、粮谷交易市場,以及牲畜交易市場,因分工不明,以致管理上不够統一。爲此本府决定廢除以前頒佈之商字第三、四號,農字第七號谷令,重新做如下規定: 1、各縣粮谷交易市場、屠宰場以及牲畜交易市場,由各縣工商科負責領導,以前管理部門應即進行移交。凡各縣尚未建立屠宰管理、牲畜交易、粮谷交易市場者,責成各縣工商科迅速建立起來,並派專人負責管理。
Heihe Prefecture cities and counties People’s Government: At present, slaughtering markets, grain trading markets, and livestock trading markets in all counties are not unified enough because of their unclear division of labor. To this end the government decided to abolish the previously promulgated the word third, fourth, agricultural word Seventh Valley order, to re-do the following provisions: 1, county grain market, slaughterhouse and livestock trading market, Section is responsible for leadership, the former management department should be transferred immediately. Where the counties have not yet established slaughtering and management, livestock trading, grain trading market, to urge the county Commerce and Industry Section quickly set up and send someone responsible for management.